Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} do you wear holey jeans? if so, do you buy them that way?
If they get a hole in them naturally, I’ll wear them around the house but I don’t buy them that way. I used to wear jeans with pre-made holes allll the time in high school because that was the “in-style” then (OMG, I sound like I’m 50!) but not so much anymore. I think they’re kind of sloppy now.
{two} do you get a full 8 hours of sleep per night?
Absolutely. I get freakishly tired at like, 9PM and don’t have to get up for work until 6:45. I typically wake up on my own around the same time on weekends, too, lol.
{three} what’s your favorite way to eat an oreo?
First of all, it must be a double-stuf. Then I get a glass of milk and dunk it until it’s so soggy it’s almost falling apart. That’s the best way to eat an oreo!

{four} do you wear shoes in your house?
Now that we have hardwood in all of the main rooms, yes because it’s easy to clean up. But once the big rugs go down in the living room, shoes’ll have to be off at the door!
{five} who would you call first if you won the lottery?
I’m gonna assume that Andy and I find out together, lol. I’d call my mom first, then probably Ronnie and my dad.
{six} have you ever been in a food fight?
HAHA!! Well, when I was growing up, my house was the place where all of our friends hung out. This meant that we usually had a lot of kids over for dinner and my mom was called, well, “Mom” by every single one of them. We used to “initiate” our friends into our family by taking our left over food from dinner, going to the backyard and having a massive food fight. I’ll never forget initiating Ronnie’s friend Zack while we were up north camping with left over mashed potatoes. We were COVERED! But, it’s things like that that make me realize how amazing my family is. :)
{seven} do you snore?
Andy says so, but I don’t believe him. ;)

{eight} do you know how fast you type?
Yes, I was bored a few weeks ago and took a typing test. I average 98 to 104 words a minute with no errors. Crazy!
{nine} can you do a headstand (without using a wall)?
Hell no.
{ten} how do you like your popcorn?
Salty with lots of butter. YUM.

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