Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} what color is your kitchen?
It’s a butternut squash color with cream cabinets/trim. Love. :)

{two} do you have a good luck charm?
Nah. When I played travel soccer, we went undefeated one year and we never washed our practice socks the entire season juuust in case. It was very stinky.

{three} do you prefer to write with a pen or pencil?
Pen, and NOT a gel pen. I hate gel pens!
{four} can you use chopsticks?
No, I’ve never really tried. I don’t eat Chinese food enough to use them.
{five} do you prefer baths or showers?
Showers! I’ve lived in my house for almost four years now and have not once ever used the tub.

{six} what is your favorite salad dressing?
Italian. Lucky’s has the BEST Italian dressing ever. Intermission Deli does too, actually. And Grampa Tony’s has good Ranch, lol.

{seven} can you sing the alphabet backwards?
Yes. I can sing it backwards really fast and I’m not sure why. I’ve never practiced it, I can just do it.

{eight} do you have any allergies?
None that are serious. Mold, dust, pollen… The usual suspects. ;)

{nine} crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Creamy. Andy is obsessed with crunchy peanut butter but I don’t like it at all.

{ten} have you ever hitch hiked?
Lord no. Never have and would never even consider it!!! We all know how those stories end!

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