I am downright obsessed with Chicago. If I could stomach moving away from my family at some point in my life, I would pack up my stuff and spend my days roaming around the city. Any time Andy wants to get away, I suggest Chicago. Every summer we make the 6 hour drive from Mid-Michigan for a glorious 5 day extended weekend. When we got married, Andy was excited to plan an Alaskan cruise or visit somewhere tropical... Maybe go to Ireland. But alas, his main downfall is his inherent desire to make his wife happy so... Where did we go? CHICAGO. I thought I'd make a little ~memories~ post about my most favorite place on Earth.
{ Our Last Three Years }
Like I said, it's about a six hour drive from where we live in Bay City... We take the long way, though, to avoid the 90 toll booths we'd have to go through otherwise. It takes us through a prettier route, I think.
We've stayed at a different hotel each year, but so far my favorite has been the Allerton. It is art-deco in all its glory. It's right across from Tiffany's (heeey, bonus!) on Michigan Avenue so it's literally just a few minute walk to whatever store my heart desires! We leave our car in the parking garage and take public transport EVERYWHERE in Chi-town. I'm sooo not ashamed to say we buy the 7 day bus pass for like, $20.00 and hop on and off their buses as we please.

I think what I like most about the Allerton is that it has a story. It's not like a Hyatt or a Hilton that gets slapped up in a few months and looks like every other Hyatt or Hilton in the rest of the world. No, the Allerton was built in the 20's over a few years. It was a social hotspot for stars like Ginger Rogers and Jimmy Stewart waaay back in the heyday. Radio shows were even broadcast from the lounges here because people thought it was such a cool place to relax. THAT is what I like about a hotel. Not the flat screen in the bathroom mirror, not the remote control window shades... The story.

Shedd Aquarium is one of Andy's all-time favorite places on Earth. He is biiig into salt-water aquariums and this place is just one big fish tank for him to run around in. The first time we came here, we literally spent at least six hours... And that was before they added their newest exhibit with whales, sea lions and etc! This was also my first experience with the "relish" that Shedd uses on their hot dogs. It's, at least, a dill pickle relish but it is LIME GREEN. It was too far out of my comfort zone to get any.
Look at all of that detail! There were a ton of these chandeliers in the aquarium's main lobby. I just love all of the sea life featured on them. Note the turtles, star fish and shells on the plaster ceiling too. Incredible. For all of the time Andy spent looking at all the fish, I spent just as much fawning over the attention to detail in the architecture.
This is the view on the steps outside of Shedd. It really doesn't get much better than summertime in Chicago.
If you only have time to stop and eat at one place, I strongly urge you to try Pizzeria Uno or Due. You have not had deep dish pizza until you've tasted what they're cooking at one of these places. (I like Due since it's based out of an old mansion, but take your pick!) I make it a point to have at least one meal from Due while in Chicago. We've sat on the patio, sat inside and even trekked down to pick some up and bring it back to our hotel for a late night snack. But can you blame me? Look how good it is:
{ Cheese bread + deep dish pizza = party in my tummy }
{ Our friend that joined us for lunch }
Next on our "always do" list is a stop at Navy Pier. We always take a boat taxi over (and, actually, that picture of Andy and I from 2009 up top is while we were on a boat taxi waiting to depart to the Pier!) since it only costs a few bucks and it's a great way to see the city.
{ Walking up to the Pier }
The Ferris Wheel is one of my favorite things in Chicago. The views are priceless, the breeze from the top is a nice relief for the heat of June and, come on, it's romantic!
{ The view from the top }
{ View of the other side }
For the first time, last year, we stopped at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Lincoln Park Zoo is free. It's huge. They have "Jammin' at the Zoo" in the summer. Lifehouse was playing in the middle of the zoo as we walked about. And I got to take some great pictures of the animals... Like these:
{ American Alligator }
{ A chubby little meerkat }
{ A thirsty giraffe! I love this picture! }
{ Water Tower as seen from the zoo }
Something else to be said for Lincoln Park Zoo is the nature that you find throughout the park. It's not just buildings with animals. There's fields, streams, ponds and huge trees... Like these:
{ In the middle of the zoo }
{ In the middle of the zoo, too }
I really, really love how eclectic the buildings in Chicago are. I love that a huge, modern all glass skyscraper can stand next to a 160 year old building and not look out of place. I love that right behind the gorgeous Allerton Hotel is the new Water Tower. And in between those? The old Water Tower. One day of each trip is spent walking aimlessly, taking everything in. I am obsessed with detail. I scour everything and I love every minute of it.
{ The start of my walk, 2010 }
{ Walking across the bridge }
{ Old & new across from Millenium Park }
The lions outside of the Art Institute remind me of home. Growing up, there was a lion exactly like this in front of the fire station just a few blocks from my house. I have no idea why it was there, just that whenever we would go on walks, my brother and I HAD to sit on it. We would bake cookies or brownies for the fire department and as a thank you, they'd try to show us the trucks. But, no. We wanted the sit on the lion. They took the lion down a few years ago and I always smile when I think of these. Who doesn't love a reminder of their happy childhood?
I have to throw this picture in for good measure. Last year Andy and I went to the Museum of Science and Industry. In its basement sits this huge submarine... So big that in order to get it in, they had to pour the floor and walls of the basement, lower the sub in and then put the ceiling in. Amazing. Really, though, I just like the picture.
I've mentioned my love of water taxis, but I feel like I just need to say it again. I LOVE WATER TAXIS. Chicago is beautiful close up, its beautiful from up high but I truly believe it's even more beautiful when viewed from the water. The picture above and the picture below were take from a water taxi. The picture below, I think, is probably my all-time favorite picture I've ever taken of anything in Chicago.
{ Clear skys, clear water and a gorgeous cityskape. }
I love the long drive to and from it, I love the hustle and bustle of the crowd, I love the endless row of stores on Michigan Avenue. I love the art deco buildings mixed with modern glass skyscrapers. I love the ferris wheel. I love Capi's at the Pier and I love Due in the heart of the city. I love the aquarium, the museums, Millenium Park. I love feeling like I'm home when I'm actually 300 miles away from it. I love Chicago... Each and every bit of it: